Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My walk outside.

I ventured out with my little one for a walk through my development yesterday. The weather was amazingly great. Remnants of Fall (Autumn) were still visible all around. I was glad I had carried my camera with me...Here are few of the images.

I shot this because, I liked the way the top of this tree looked. It fanned all across the sky with a little bit of light peeking through.

These circular patches on the tree caught my eye. From my view it just looked like plain greenish patch. Once I uploaded the images on to the computer, I saw these fascinating ruffles on the patch. I thought it was an interesting contrast of textures...both of the tree bark and as well as the patches. Wonder what those patches are????

Of course, they is no way I can run away from red. I liked the green and red contrast of the Pine & Maple Trees. Reminds me of the Christmas colors.

I found a nest way up on top of this tree...don't know whose it is. Judging from the size I am assuming it is a sparrow's nest.

A closer view of the nest..My little one was very excited and wanted to know if there were any eggs in it. It was way too high for me to check.:):):)

Finally my favorite shot. I quickly shot this when she was trying to reach the leaves. I love it when kids are in their natural element and not posing.

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