Friday, October 12, 2012

Picturesque Kanheri Caves

No matter how many times I go to this place, I still feel like going back to Kanheri Caves again. This this was my 3rd visit to this gem of a place hidden within the lush forests of Sanjay Gandhi National Park in Borivili East,  Mumbai. The Kanheri Caves date from 1st century B.C to 9th century A.D and was mostly used by Buddhists monks primarily as residence and place to study and meditate. The best time to visit these caves are during the rainy season as this whole area with its hilly peaks come alive with small water falls and water filled hollowed craters. You will find a lot of monkeys around, if you are lucky enough you get to see deers in the open. I was lucky to have spotted two deers but unfortunately before I could click their photo they ran away.

I hope you enjoy the pictures. If are local do visit this place again, and out-of-towners add it to your lists of places to see.